Evaluation of the distribution system of pharmaceutical preparations and medical devices to Pharmaceutical Wholesalers (PBF) in DKI Jakarta province in 2018

Taufiq Hidayat


CDOB is a method of distribution / distribution of drugs and / or medicinal materials aimed at ensuring quality along the distribution / distribution line in accordance with the requirements and intended use. Meanwhile, CDAKB is a guideline used in a series of distribution and quality control activities aimed at ensuring that distributed medical device products always meet the requirements set according to their intended use. This study aims to determine the suitability of the application of distribution in aspects of CDOB and CDAKB in Pharmaceutical Wholesalers (PBF) in DKI Jakarta province. This research is a descriptive survey of pharmaceutical wholesalers (PBF) using questionnaires and interviews with 2 PBF who are willing to be respondents of the 4 PBFs recorded in DKI Jakarta province that have been certified by CDOB and CDAKB. The results showed that the application of the CDOB aspects on PBF A (1.84%) and PBF B (0.69%) did not meet the requirements. Meanwhile, the application of CDAKB aspects to PBF A (0.45%) and PBF B (0.21%) did not meet the requirements.


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.52447/scpij.v5i1.1846


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