Kekuatan Tarik Paduan Al 2024-T3 Dan Al 2524-T3 Yang Telah Mengalami Proses Stretching, Chemical Milling Dan Shot Peening

Yovial Mahyoedin, Jamasri Jamasri, Wenny Marthiana, Duskiardi Duskiardi, Rizky Arman



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perilaku uji tarik produk Al 2524-T3 dan Al 2024-T3 yang mengalami proses peregangan, chemical milling dan shot peening. Paduan ini diregangkan melebihi tegangan yeildnya masing-masing 1%, 3% dan 5%, kemudian dilakukan proses chemical milling satu sisi. Etsa yang digunakan dalam proses milling kimia adalah larutan NaOH + Na2S + H2O dengan konsentrasi tertentu. Pada permukaan dilakukan proses shot peening dengan variasi intensitas masing-masing 0,03 A, 0,05 A dan 0,07 A. Material tersebut kemudian diuji sifat mekaniknya dengan uji tarik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa tegangan ultimate dan tegangan yield material meningkat dengan meningkatnya persentase regangan. Namun, perpanjangan juga meningkat yang menunjukkan bahwa proses peregangan justru meningkatkan keuletan. Di sisi lain, proses shot peening menurunkan elongasi yang mengindikasikan bahwa proses shot peening menyebabkan penurunan keuletan material.


Kata kunci: pengujian tarik, chemical milling, shot peening, stretching


This study aims to investigate the tensile test behaviour of Al 2524-T3 and Al 2024-T3 product, which undergoes stretching, chemical milling and shot peening processes. These alloys were stretched beyond yield stress, namely 1%, 3% and 5% of each, and then performed chemical milling process of one side. The etching used in chemical milling process were NaOH+Na2S+H2O solutions with certain concentration. The surface was performed shot peening process with varying intensity of 0.03 A, 0.05 A and 0.07 A respectively. The material then tested its mechanical properties by tensile test. The results show that ultimate and yield stress of material increases with the increase of stretching percentage. However, the elongation has also increased which indicates that stretching process actually increases the ductility. On the other hand, the shot peening process decreases the elongation which indicates that the shot peening process causes a reduction in the ductility of the material.

 Keywords: tensile tes, chemical milling, shot peening, stretching

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