Sylvia Rizky Prima



The main of this study was to investigate physicians’expectations and experiences regarding pharrmaceutical care in hospital of  DR. M. Djamil Padang. A four-part quetionnaire was hand delivered to a sample of 380 physicians practicing in hospital of  DR. M. Djamil Padang. The questionnaire collected physicians’ characteristic, current expectations, actual experiences and future expectations regarding pharmaceutical care. Two hundred and two (53,16%) questionnaires were returned. In general, the mean values of physician agreement in our study showed that there is neither strong agreement nor strong disagreement with any statement regarding physicians’current expectations and future expectations of pharmacists. It is concluded that physicians as whole do not know what to expect of pharmacist. But, our study showed that with the actual experiences of Physicians with Pharmacists are still very low.

Keywords: physician’s perceptions, expectations dan experience of physicians, pharmaceutical care


Tujuan utama penelitian ini adalah untuk menginvestigasi harapan dan pengalaman dokter terhadap peran apoteker dalam pharmaceutical care di Rumah Sakit DR. M. Djamil Padang. 4 bagian kuesioner telah berhasil diserahkan kepada 380 sampel dokter praktek di Rumah Sakit DR. M. Djmail Padang. Kuesioner berisi data karakteristik dokter, harapan dokter saat ini, pengalaman aktual dokter, dan harapan dokter terhadap peran apoteker terkait pharmaceutical care. 202 kuesioner berhasil diperoleh kembali (53,16%). Secara umum, rata-rata respon dokter untuk harapan dokter saat ini dan harapan dokter dimasa depan terhadap peran apoteker dalam pharmaceutical care tidak terlalu tinggi dan tidak terlalu rendah.  Tetapi, dari hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa pengalaman aktual dokter dengan apoteker dalam hal pharmaceutical care masih sangat rendah.

Kata kunci: Persepsi dokter, harapan dan pengalaman dokter, pharmaceutical care


physician’s perceptions, expectations dan experience of physicians, pharmaceutical care

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