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Author Guidelines

Authors who wish to submit manuscripts should pay attention to the points below. If the manuscript does not meet the stated requirements, there is a possibility that the manuscript will be returned.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The manuscript is original, has never been published/published in other print media. The manuscript is the result of the author's work in the form of research results from community service in Indonesia which examines the actual problems that develop in the community
  2. The scientific writing uses standard Indonesian, every foreign word is searched for its equivalent in standard Indonesian, and does not need to include a foreign language. Sentences taken from scientific writings in foreign languages are translated into standard Indonesian.
  3. The writing format follows the writing instructions that have been set. To facilitate the writing process, the author is STRONGLY RECOMMENDED to download the following journal template :

  4. Manuscripts received will be reviewed and the review process is carried out in a closed manner where neither the author nor the reviewer know the identity of each


Copyright Notice

All manuscripts submitted in this journal will be checked for plagiarism to avoid plagiarism cases. Articles that have a high plagiarism rate (above 20%) will be returned or rejected.



Privacy Statement

The completeness of the author's data, namely the name and email address listed in the manuscript and the website of this journal will be used exclusively for the purpose of publishing this journal and not for other purposes or for other parties.