Pharmacy Action Journal (PAJ) is a scientific journal managed by the Faculty of Pharmacy Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta, which is published twice a year (April and October). PAJ is a scientific research journal in the field of community service with articles that have never been published online or in print before. PAJ aims to disseminate conceptual thoughts or ideas and research results that have been achieved in the fields of pharmacy and health as well as other related sciences. The results of the service published in this journal are in the form of experimental and non-experimental service.

Vol 4, No 1 (2024): 2024
Table of Contents
Rangki Astiani, Dini Permata Sari, Eka Kristina
Evy Rosda Nur Afiyah, Diana Laila Ramatillah, Siti Jumiyatul Awlia, Miranda Imelda Yusa, Ni Kadek Yuli Kusumawati, Reviana Putri Andini, Intan Dwi Handini, Meme Delpia, Lidiya Putri, Bagus Prayoga Dimyati, Nur Saidah, Asrianti Asrianti
Evy Rosda Nur Afiyah, Dini Permata Sari, I Putu Semara Aryadana, Meliani Putri, Rasikha Khairunnisa Roni
Zuraida Sagala, Satya Candra Indra Yani, Sutriningsih Sutriningsih, Aryanilo Aryanilo, Atisi Atisi, Ayu Wulandari, Chairunnisa Harahap, Fazri Andini, Junaida Pramesti, Liany Carolina Rambu L, Syifa Nur Khoiriza
Yemima Krisna Putri Hutami
Purwati Purwati