Anisa Dita Ikrana


Diabetes is a chronic metabolic disorder disease that is characterized by increased blood sugar levels. Telang flower and meniran herb are one of the plants that have antidiabetic activity. The purpose of this study was to determine the antidiabetic activity of herbal tea combination of telang flower (Clitoria ternatea) and meniran herb (Phyllanthus niruri) as well as the percentage decrease in blood sugar levels in white mice (Mus muculus) induced by alloxan. The test animals used were 25 male mice and were divided into 5 treatment groups, namely the negative group, the positive group given glibenclamide, and the herbal tea group. Herbal teas were made into 3 formulations, namely, 200 mg of telang flower and 800 meniran herb, 350 mg of telang flower and 650 mg of meniran herb, and 500 mg of telang flower and 500 mg of meniran herb. Each formulation is packaged in a tea bag of 1 g and brewed in 200 ml of hot water. Data was analyzed using the One Way ANOVA method. The results showed that the herbal tea combination of telang flower and meniran herb in the formulation of 200 mg of telang flower and 800 mg of meniran herb was the most optimal formulation among the other two formulations. The percentage obtained is 33.56% with the difference between positive control and herbal tea 200 mg telang flower and 800 mg meniran herb which is 9.05%. From the research above, it can be concluded that the herbal tea combination of 200 mg of telangflower and 800 mg of meniran herb has the best antidiabetic activity among the other two formulations.

Key words: Antidiabetic; Telang Flower; Meniran Herb; Mice; Diabetes Mellitus; Blood Glucose Level


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Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta

Online ISSN : 2502-8421

