Haunan Fachry Rohilie



The debate over the system of government that will be chosen was then adorned the Indonesia trip. In one sense, some of the founding fathers thought that the most suitable system is a parliamentary system and some support the presidential system of government. Although presidential system has survived to today, not a little people who question this system. Presidential system is considered incompatible with the characteristics of a pluralistic and multiparty Indonesia. Because since the beginning of the constitutional framers designing buildings Indonesian government system as a system of self-government, not a presidential system like in the United States and the parliamentary system in the UK. This paper will want to elaborate further why the presidential system is still worth keeping in the context of Indonesia.

Keyword: Government System, parliamentary, presidential



Perdebatan mengenai sistem pemerintahan yang akan dipilih pun kemudian menghiasi perjalanan Indonesia. Di satu sisi, beberapa founding father beranggapan bahwa sistem yang paling cocok adalah sistem parlementer dan sebagian lagi mendukung sistem pemerintahan presidensial. Meski sistem presidensial tetap bertahan hingga saat ini, tidak sedikit kalangan yang mempersoalkan sistem ini. Sistem presidensial dianggap tidak cocok dengan karakteristik Indonesia yang majemuk dan multipartai. Karena sejak awal  para constitutional framers merancang bangunan sistem pemerintahan Indonesia sebagai sistem pemerintahan sendiri, bukan sistem presidensial seperti di Amerika maupun sistem parlementer di Inggris. Tulisan ini akan ingin mengelaborasi lebih jauh mengapa sistem presidensil masih layak dipertahankan dalam konteks Indonesia.


Kata-kata Kunci: Sistem Pemerintahan, parlementer, presidensil

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Universitas 17 Agustus 1945 Jakarta
