Etika Komunikasi dan Public Speaking dalam Program Berita Televisi Liputan 6 Sctv

Jeaniffer Mutiara, Dewi Maria Herawati


News presenters have a responsibility to carry the news or message their communication technique skills. However, circulating video recordings containing the unprofessional behavior of the news presenter. There was a sound leak from the coverage team at the time of broadcasting and allegedly offended a guest who was present at the funeral. This study aims to determine the ability of public speaking and communication ethics standards of news presenters in presenting the news program Liputan 6 SCTV. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research method. The results of this study indicate the existence of special public speaking skills that a presenter must have. This shows that speaking skills are able to shape someone to be alert in dealing with any situation and quickly deal with problems that occur when doing assignments directly in the studio or in the field. As well as the application of communication ethics standards in general and based on the vision and mission of the communication ethics standards owned by Liputan 6 SCTV. So that through communication ethics one can build relationships with the community through the applicable ethical standards of communication and be responsible for the applicable code of ethics.


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