Pemanfaatan Intranet Sebagai Sarana Informasi di Epistema Institute
Intranet is a private network owned by a company or organization that functions as a medium for sharing confidential information for a company or organization with its employees or employees. Intranet is a communication medium for all employees in an effort to increase work productivity and effectiveness, as well as a sense of belonging and a sense of kinship among members of the organization, especially at the episteme institute.
The purpose of this study is to find out and understand the development of organizational information theory that occurs at the episteme institute. This study uses Karl Weick's organizational information theory, in which this theory discusses how the dissemination of information has an important role in an organization to maintain the continuity of its activities. This theory focuses on the process of collecting, managing and using information carried out by individuals in accordance with procedures established by the organization to process information sent and received.
The results of the research show that in the application of the Intranet as a cyber-PR-based communication medium, the Epistema Institute's Knowledge and Media Division integrates with various divisions within the organization. Each division within the organization has a main focus on its main tasks, but the goals of the organization also need to be a concern for all divisions so adjustments need to be made to the tasks of each division. The Knowledge and Media Division of the Epistema Institute needs other divisions to obtain additional information as a whole.
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