Analisis Framing Puan Maharani Saat Pidato IPU di Media dan Kumparan

Lintang Cahya Rahmat, Ayla Daniyah Ramadhini, Thea Kirana Ismi' Aida, Gayatri Puspita Sari, Roro Retno Wulan


The mass media has its own method of presenting news to shape public perception, yet it frequently frames already-published material. This study aims to describe Puan Maharani's stammering framing of her news during her English-language speech at the 143rd Inter Parliamentary Union (IPU) General Assembly in Madrid, Spain. The Zhongdang Pan and Gerald M. Kosicki model was employed in the study's framing analysis. This study employed a descriptive qualitative method together with a framing analysis. The online press outlets and Kumparan served as the study's subjects. The study's findings are as follows: 1) Puan Maharani's stammering during an English speech on media led to framing analysis, which resulted in reporting that portrayed Puan Maharani as a leader who was deemed to have deficiencies due to poor English skills and was unfit to lead the trial by bringing the name of Indonesia. 2) The framing analysis of Puan Maharani's stuttering news during her speech to the Kumparan media led to news highlighting that a nervous attitude toward stammering while giving a speech was deemed typical because it needs a lot of practice in the field.



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