Analisis Wacana kritis Meme ‘Perilaku Mahasiswa di Kampus Bandung’ pada akun auto base twitter @bdgfess

Martha Tri Lestari, Wilda Aula Sabrina, Sri Wahyuning Astuti


Memes as a form of virtual world communication have become increasingly widespread with a variety of purposes for making them, ranging from mere entertainment to criticizing social phenomena. This study aims to examine the humorous discourse contained in the meme 'Student Behavior on the Bandung Campus' at the macro and micro levels according to the theory of critical discourse analysis according to Teun A. van Dijk. The results of the study show that through text dimensions, the macro structure of the meme "Student behavior on the Bandung Campus has four sub-themes, namely Sultan, Jelata, Edgy and Hijjrah. Next, the microstructure of the Bandung Campus Student Behavior meme can be identified from the syntactic, semantic, and stylistic elements that show causality, implicit meaning, figurative language comparisons and satire. Through the dimension of social cognition, meme creators want to show meme readers that the reality of student life in the city of Bandung is diverse. This diversity is determined by the Classification of Universities and Student Lifestyles.


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