Fenomena Buzzer dan Pilihan Politik Bagi Gen-Z pada Pilpres 2024 dalam Perspekstif Agenda Setting

Vidya Kusumawardani, Budhi Cahyanto


This article aims to provide an overview of Gen-Z's political choices in the upcoming 2024 presidential election, an overview of the presence of buzzers in political activities, and how buzzers influence the political choices of voters, especially Gen-Z. This article also tries to provide an agenda setting perspective in relation to new media. The approach used in this article is the study of literature and the papers, which are related to the buzzer phenomenon in Indonesia. The results of the study show that the term buzzer has shifted. Currently, buzzers exist because of social media and the emergence of political buzzers must be accompanied by public awareness to be vigilant and criticize messages on social media. Communities must be able to filter themselves from information disseminated by buzzers, by increasing scientific literacy. Not all information disseminated by the buzzer can be forwarded without checking the truth of the information. Gen-Z as people who are literate in information technology need to continue to be given awareness on how to use social media properly and correctly, by following the nation's cultural norms. In the 2024 presidential election contestation, Gen-Z can play a role in avoiding polarization in society.

DOI: https://doi.org/10.52447/promedia.v9i2.7182


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